Picking up on a post from earlier this week we wished to give an overview of what had been achieved so far.
34 folks from various countries, Scotland, England, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain joined up at Celtic Park on Saturday the 6th May 2023
The cycle took place between the 6th May 2023 and 20th May 2023, where the team left Celtic Park, before heading to Belfast via ferry from Cairnryan. The route then took the cyclists down the east coast of Ireland to the port of Rosslare.
On reaching the Rosslare the cyclists took a 31-hour ferry trip to the port of Bilbao in Northern Spain. On arrival into Bilbao the team then picked up the route climbing up the mountains from a starting point at sea level.
After a huge effort, several days later the team then arrived at the sunshine of Seville before visiting the Estadio de La Cartjula, Seville.
The team cycled 1050 miles and encountered 59,275 feet of climbing. After all of the these commitments in time, physical effort.
After months of training and promotion of the event on social media. We are delighted to advise that “The Road To Seville” project had managed to raise 100 K in donations for The Celtic FC Foundation. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated so far.
The team will meet at the weekend to compare notes and to celebrate this wonderful achievement
To support the social media campaign and to leave a legacy we can advise that 26 short videos had been made to provide some highlights of the journey from when the team met at Celtic Park through to the arrival in Seville, including visits to the stadium. As it was fun making these videos, we wished to share some of these memories
Links to episodes:
R2S S01 EPA: R2S S01 EPB: R2S S01 EPC: R2S S01 EPD: R2S S01 EPE: R2S S01 EPF:
R2S S01 EPG: R2S S01 EPH: R2S S01 EPI: R2S S01 EPJ: R2S S01 EPK: R2S S01 EPL:
R2S S01 EPM: R2S S01 EPN: R2S S01 EPO: R2S S01 EPP: R2S S01 EPQ: R2S S01 EPR:
R2S S01 EPS: R2S S01 EPT: R2S S01 EPU: R2S S01 EPV: R2S S01 EPW: R2S S01 EPX:
Opportunity still exists to donate: www.justgiving.com/page/mouldygoestoseville